The problem is whenever we go to northern areas especially to Muzzafarabad he feels pain in his stomach. It is not vomiting or nausea but he feels severe pain in his belly and starts crying. Please tell what to do?
My sister in law had her son last August. Since then she is having migraine attacks after every few days. What can be the reason? Is it due to some lack of nutritional value n is it related to her last pregnancy and childbirth? Is there any cure for migraine? And should she get checked up by gynecologist or some other specialist?
I had Lumbar Puncture 2 weeks ago. A headache was gone a few days after but now I am very tired and weak all the time. I also feel dizzy and imbalance (sometimes) when I walk constantly like say 30 minutes. I am only 30 and I am scared that this is my new life now. Please help.
I feel tired 24/7 I don't do any work but feel tired all the time. The only problem is I am obese, my ideal weight should be 45 but my present weight is 84 and had 3 C sections.
Could you please tell me which test do we go for to see if our egg/follicles have been ruptured in a cycle? I want to know the name of test and on what cycle day we are supposed to get it done?
I am 52 years and is suffering from hip pain (may be sciatic nerve). Can you recommend what should i do?
My father has prostate cancer. He has had two surgeries to remove 'hudood' already. He has problem passing urine from urinary tract and also getting blood. He is also diabetic and is getting severe weakness. Can someone refer another good Urologist and Diabetes doctor? Can anyone please suggest good advice for his weakness?
My mother went through Total Knee Replacement. She can easily bend the knee but can not straighten it or put full weight. I read online about it and it was a common scenario. The doctor recommended increasing water intake. But she doesn't like the increased visit to the washroom. Can you suggest something that would help her?
I am taking 195 gram protein and 80 gram of carb 78 gram fats. I am currently following fat lose program and also taking Surbex Z and I take Evion before going to bed. I am also taking 2 cups of Carnitine 1000 gram after exercise and a capsule of 500 gram after my workout. My question is, is it safe to take so many medicines?
A cancer patient was advised biopsy by the cancer specialist to decide on treatment of cancer. Common people advised him not to go for biopsy as it can spread the cancer cells. It is important to consider the benefits of the tests as well as the risks of not having the tests. What should we consider? Is biopsy safe
I ended up getting the flu and was bedridden for two days. Now I have left the bed but my sinuses are very blocked and my ears continue to pop. It's been 8/9 days. Should a visit to doctor is mandatory or could you recommend me something natural?
It has been 4 months since I am married and I haven’t conceived yet so I started taking 'pregna care' for a month. Now I have missed my periods and checked 10 days after my period date and it turns out that I still didn’t conceive yet. I didn’t take pill the next day and I immediately got my period. My concern is, should I leave taking that medicine or not? Is this medicine safe?
I am having diarrhea for about 3 to 4 weeks now. I take Flagyl and It gets controlled. But without the meds, it comes back. I eat one meal from outside at least. Can you help me?
I was in a bike accident a while ago where I crashed into car while holding handle. I have now developed nasty shooting pain from the outside of my shoulder down toward my elbow.I am struggling putting on shirts/jackets and don't want to use my arm. What treatment should i take?
My wife has heavy mensturation pain after C section now it's been 5 years and she is unable to conceive a baby. We strived for treatment about 20+ doctors but nothing’s helping. I want to know what could be the reason of this?
I am writing on behalf of my wife. A few months she started suffering from body pains. We did a lab test and report showed Vitamin D Deficiency. At Doc prescription, she took vitamin meds and was cured to an extent. For the last few weeks, her pains have relapsed, now even more vigorously. The reports, this time, also suggested Vitamin D issue. Can you recommend what can I do to help her?
I am a 45 year old male I get bloated sometimes and gnawing stomach not long after eating. I get bloated after hours of not eating or when I am hungry too. What can I do or take to feel better?
My wife being 8 weeks pregnant complains of migraine pain most of the time. She ensures that she may remain hydrated most of the time but the problem remains same. Can you please guide what to do?
I had thick, high in volume, black and shiny hair by birth. Now since a year my hair is rough, coarse and damaged and looks like birds nest. I also suffer from intense hair fall and even drainage of washroom gets blocked while taking shower. My reports are all normal but I have an acute vitamin D3 deficiency. What causes these hair problems? Will ever get normal hair?
Please guide me how can I develop a habit of using feeder for my 7 months old baby? I am also a working lady and during my working hours he never takes feeder. Getting weak and the doctor said he is anemic as well.